More cash back in new Green Deal

Householders installing measures under the Government’s flagship home energy efficiency scheme could get up to £7,600 cash back. The new “Green Deal home improvement fund” will provide money back to homeowners on the contributions they make to installing measures such as solid wall insulation and new heating systems. [More…]

Renewable heat incentive offers homeowners money to switch from oil

Financial incentives for homeowners off the gas grid to switch to technologies such as biomass boilers. Homeowners relying on expensive, dirty oil for heating will be offered payments of thousands of pounds from Wednesday to switch to renewable energy alternatives in a government drive to cut carbon emissions from heat. [More…]

Rental homes told to meet energy targets

Landlords will have to start improving their properties or risk not being able to let them. Plans to introduce new minimum energy efficiency standards for private landlords were announced in 2011 under the Green Deal. The plans include a proposal that, from April 2016, landlords will not be able to refuse reasonable requests from tenants […]