Energy grants can they assist you?

The average household across the UK could be losing hundreds of pounds each year due to poor energy efficiency. With the price of Gas and Electricity so high and the strong possibility of large rises on the horizon can you afford to ignore poor insulation in your home? If you want to save energy in […]

Reducing heating costs is now a priority

Central heating boilers   If your boiler is aging and needs replacing you could have a new one installed free of charge if you are on certain benefits.     A modern condensing boiler is the most efficient boiler on the market. If everyone in the UK with gas or oil central heating installed a […]

Heating bills on the up again

Energy prices continue to rise year on year and over the last 6 years they have increased by a staggering 48% in real terms. Many households now spend between £100-£150 per month just on electricity which is causing the average family great financial concern. There are ways you can reduce this, and some are very […]

Like to reduce your energy bills?

Most households spend an average £1600 on heating bills each year which can be up to 45% more than necessary due to the lack of energy saving measures being implemented in the home.  Many people still believe that their actions do not make a difference, but the statistics are showing that the UK has decreased […]