Protect and save money

Winter is biting, and many of us are already starting to feel its harsh bite – and with sub-zero temperatures forecast for the coming weeks, now is the time to make sure that you and your home are ready for the icy onslaught. Protecting your water pipes against the cold may be the last thing […]

Choosing a suitable insulation for your property?

Christmas is over and the weather is getting colder, this is the time of year everybody wants to save money. One easy way is to ensure your home is correctly insulated; people waste hundreds of pounds a year by having inefficiently insulated lofts. A small investment now could well save a great deal of money […]

Greener financing on the way for environmentally friendly homes

As a first step into offering green financing solutions to its customers Saffron Building Society has launched a retrofit mortgage and an environmental savings product. The building society is offering a green Retro-Fit Mortgage designed to encourage borrowers to upgrade current housing stock to a better energy efficiency rating (EPC). If updating a home, the […]

Be energy efficient and save a load of money into the bargain

Much of the country is in the midst of a cold snap, and those freezing temperatures mean the heating system could be working overtime, your heating cost will go up as a result. But what if you could keep your bills under control without having to battle hypothermia? The key is being energy efficient. Research […]