According to data, some dual fuel tariffs are scheduled to end in September of this year. Unfortunately, this could mean average price rises of up to 38% for customers being switched onto standard tariffs. If you are one of these it would be very wise to check what is on offer to save you a lot of money.

There are also many other things you can do before winter starts to ensure your home is more energy efficient.

Time to act?

Have you checked your loft insulation?

By making sure your loft is insulated correctly you can save 100’s a year and you may well be able to have it upgraded free of charge.

Is your boiler working to maximum efficiency?

Ask yourself, when did you last have your boiler serviced? If it was more than 2 years ago get it done now as an inefficient boiler can cost you 100’s extra every year. Are you aware if your boiler is old in certain circumstances you could have it replaced free? Check out on this site to see if you qualify.

By acting just on these two measures you could increase the value of your house by over £8000 on average. Can you afford to ignore?

Check if you qualify.

Just complete the questionnaire on this site to see if you qualify for any assistance in making your home more energy efficient this winter.