We all know winter is fast approaching and our energy bills will once again be increasing at alarming rates. This situation is not helped with the Brexit talks stalling and energy companies being uncertain of the consequences of any deal secured. So, the smart homeowner will without doubt be looking at ways of saving money and cavity wall insulation is most certainly one.

Cavity wall installers around the country are reporting record high enquiries and in the North a record number of installations.

This form of insulation is a filling blown into the gap between your interior and exterior walls. It helps save heat loss through your walls and therefore saves you money on your energy bills.

Without cavity insulation every home around the country could well be wasting more than £400 every year. Cavity insulation will keep your home warmer in the winter and much cooler in the summer, so it really is a win win situation. You will also be reducing your carbon footprint considerably which is all helping towards a cleaner environment.

Installing this type of insulation is very quick and simple and will normally only take a day to complete.

Are you aware in certain circumstances this could all be done for no charge?

Many people around the country are missing out on energy saving benefits companies are offering. It is well worth your time to check and see what is available to you and your family, can you afford to waste money?

Need some help?

It is easy to find out if you qualify for a grant or even free installation select your requirement and just click the “see if I qualify” or “apply now”. This action could save you a great deal of money over the long term.