Many people still believe that their energy saving actions do not make a difference, but the statistics are showing that we decreased our UK net CO2 emissions considerably last year.

There are now so many ways to save money, energy and the planet without having to invest too much time, money or effort. Let’s focus on the small, solutions which can significantly help to reduce the carbon emissions your home produces and fight climate change. 

The average house spends on average: £1380 on fuel bills each year which can be up to 48% more than necessary due to the lack of energy saving measures being implemented in the home. 

Small measures you can take

Draught proofing is a low cost but highly effective solution to reducing heat loss throughout your home. Typically all the entrance and exits will have some degree of heat loss as well as window frames, chimneys, letterboxes and cat flaps. Also any gaps between floor boards, skirting boards or service can be areas where draughts can occur; these can easily be eradicated with sealant. 

Removing the draughts not only keeps heat in during the winter but the heat out during the summer. You can simply determine where heat is escaping with a small feather or burning joss stick – if the smoke or feather moves you know you have a draught to deal with. 

It is however important to be mindful that some fuel burning appliances do require some ventilation and also timbers in the roof and floor. 

Windows will be the next problem if you don’t or can’t have double glazing and while it may not be the cheapest solution, installing secondary glazing or even triple glazing, will ensure you are draught free. 

If you can’t afford to replace your doors and windows some of the easiest and cheapest measures for draught proofing are as follows:

Help required?

If you would like to know more please make contact and one of our advisers will be happy to assist.