Energy suppliers are very keen to make your home energy efficient and in turn save you large sums of money. By doing this the energy company will be reducing your carbon footprint which is a very sensitive issue now and will be for the foreseeable future.

It’s not just insulating your home the energy companies could help you with, there are numerous other benefits and schemes well worth researching if you are serious about spending less.

Two of the largest energy suppliers in the UK recently commissioned a survey to be taken of households to see just how important homeowners see energy saving.

Of 3000 surveyed 61% said they have insulation in their homes and are aware of its importance. The remaining 39% either weren’t sure whether they had insulation or just had none.

The survey also asked whether people were aware of the financial offers that are available from energy companies to help with saving energy within the home. Over 50% said they had no idea of any such offers but would be very interested to find out more.

Not everybody qualifies for these benefits, but it really does make sense to take a little time to find out more. Just having your home correctly insulated can save you a massive £300 per year. If you have a very old central heating boiler you may qualify for a new one or at least some help towards replacing it.

Need some help?

It’s easy to find out if you qualify just select the upgrade you require and then click the “see if I qualify” or “apply now”. This action really could save you a great deal of money over the long term.