Consumers in 2017 claimed a lot more benefits the Government and energy companies put in place to assist reducing energy loss in our homes. This year has started in the same vein as homeowners are increasingly investigating just what is on offer. With energy bills seemingly forever going upwards now would be an appropriate time to see just what can be done to reduce yours.

Just ask yourself how many times have you opened your gas or electricity bill and been shocked? We are told electricity bills will continue to rise this year due to many factors including the poor value of the pound.

As a homeowner are you aware of the grants and subsidies that are on offer to improve your homes energy efficiency?

We are all very busy working to earn money to support our lifestyles, a little time spent seeing just what is on offer could save you a lot of that hard-earned income.

Popular energy saving claims

Loft insulation enquiries lead the way, but interestingly boiler replacements are a very close second. If you have a very old central heating boiler do see what benefits are available now as we are told these grants may end soon. The Government will be encouraged by the figures as they wish to promote as much energy saving as they possibly can.

The UK Government and energy suppliers take a very strong view that it is indeed easier to save energy than it is to build new sources of supply.

Need some help?

It’s so easy to find out if you qualify just select the upgrade you are looking at and then click the “see if I qualify” or “apply now”. This action really could save you and your family a great deal of money over the long term.