Heating bills have risen this year, with the average cost of a Standard Variable Tariff (SVT) up from £1,070 to £1,145. More than a quarter of working families (28%) said they are still languishing on these expensive SVTs.

Those who are struggling with their energy bills should first ensure they’re not paying too much for the energy they use and see how much they could save by switching supplier.

Is your home as energy efficient as it could be?

Are you aware there are offers of free cavity wall and loft insulation, as well as grants towards new energy efficient boilers, which can help make homes more energy efficient and therefore cheaper to keep warm? Some suppliers are even offering free insulation, dependent on the type of property. So, just take a few moments to check on this site to see if you could be eligible for any free upgrades and in turn SAVE MONEY.

Some very easy tips to start with:

Bleed your radiators on a regular basis.

Change electric light bulbs to energy saving ones.

Stop any drafts from doors and windows.

Turn the heating down when you go to bed.

Don’t leave any electrical device on standby.

Leaving televisions and games consoles on permanent standby costs £45-£80 a year and we waste nearly £29m per year in this country by leaving our phone chargers switched on even though we’re not charging our phones.

Start to reduce your energy bills.

You can very easily check on this site to see if you are entitled to any free or help towards making your home far more energy efficient.