Winter is most definitely with us, which means the boiler will be going into overdrive to beat the chill – yet unfortunately, it’ll cost more than ever to heat your home, with energy prices now the highest on record.

UK energy prices, after a few years of falls, are now back at record levels beating the previous highs of 2013. We are now paying the highest energy prices in our history and millions are set to struggle to stay warm this winter.

Suppliers have pushed up their prices sharply so far this year, driven by concerns of the impending price cap and the ongoing costs of Government policy, and consumers are literally paying the price. At the same time, average wages have been falling in real terms as inflation outpaces pay. This is nowhere more evident than in energy where prices have risen by 10% this year but pay only by 2%. This cruel double whammy will force many families to live in cold homes this winter or go into debt to pay bills. The UK is in an energy affordability crisis and it is just getting worse.

Those in the grips of that crisis could find they’re forced to decide between heating or eating, with pensioners and families the hardest hit.

Take action.

If this affects you there are things you can do, firstly check your loft insulation and that your boiler is working efficiently. Did you know if you fit certain criteria these items could be replaced or upgraded at no charge? So, rather than suffer check what is available to you on this site.

Can we help?

If you would like advice upgrading your home’s efficiency, please do make contact and an adviser will be pleased to assist you.