The latest research has revealed the majority of property buyers are willing to pay a lot more for an eco-friendly home. According to the findings 78% of prospective buyers want to purchase the most environmentally friendly house they can. Perhaps the most surprising statistic is that 80% said this is now a very high priority when selecting a new home.

These findings challenge the long-held claim that consumer demand for greener living is limited. Of the 4000-people questioned the majority said reducing energy bills was a very high priority on their check list when selecting a home. Lower energy bills are now ranked very highly due to the rapidly rising costs of electricity and gas. This simply would not have been the case some 5 years ago.

Existing homeowners should start taking energy saving as a very important part of the future if they want to achieve a good sale price for their houses. It is so simple to insulate and increase energy efficiency within your home and in some cases, can be installed free if receiving certain benefits.

These findings go to prove that the Governments greener campaign is having the desired effect. When you consider all the facts and figures it certainly makes sense to be very serious about saving energy as fuel bills will be reduce significantly. With the pound being so weak fuel costs are likely to keep on rising until the Brexit talks have been concluded.

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It’s so easy to find out if you qualify for a grant or indeed free installation, just select your requirement and click the “see if I qualify or “apply now”. Acting now could save you a great deal of money each month and increase the value of your property.