Tighten those belts by becoming more energy efficient

Following the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement earlier this week, every financial forecast suggests that most household’s disposable income are set to fall over the coming years.
One of the largest expenditures in any household is the cost of energy.

If you have an inefficient heating system (central heating boiler, electric heaters, night storeage heaters etc) or you haven’t got the correct insulation for your walls and roof, then you are spending more money than you need to.

There are Government grants that may be able to help you with this.

There are also incentives to install renewables such as solar PV, ground or air source heat pumps and bio-mass boilers.

The grants and incentives that are available are under the umbrella of the Government’s ECO (Energy Company Obligation) scheme, and reductions to the funding for this are expected in 2017.

To see if you qualify for any of the grants or funding under the ECO scheme (many are not means tested and are open to all homeowners and private tenants) then please apply asap. A local energy expert will call you and go through all of the necessary details with a view to saving you money in the very near future.