Greener landlords

Research has revealed that a great many landlords are looking to increase their property holding values by making them more eco-friendly. According to the findings 35% of the landlords surveyed said this was becoming a priority due to the Governments tax hikes.

Landlords should start taking energy saving as a very important part of the future if they want to achieve a good sale price for their properties. It is so simple to insulate and increase energy efficiency within the property and in some cases can be installed free.

One landlord surveyed in London said “as landlords we have been hit hard of late with the new tax laws taking effect next year”. “One very good thing we can do is to improve our properties carbon footprint and in turn increase their value. “I have done my research and with minimal outlay I can increase on average the property’s value by some £5000-£10000”

These findings go to prove that the Governments greener campaign is having the desired effect. When you consider all the facts and figures it certainly makes sense to be very serious about saving energy.

Can we help?

It’s so easy to find out if you qualify for a grant or indeed free installation, just select your requirement and click the “see if I qualify or “apply now”. Acting now could save you a great deal of money each month and increase the value of your property.