Are you ready for the cold weather?

As temperatures begin to drop the energy bills will start to rise alarmingly, heating costs now start to burn a hole in the annual budget. A recent survey taken from the majority of Western Europe shows the British spend the least amount per year on energy saving in the home. The survey highlights from the colder Countries such as Austria, Sweden and Finland that the most money is invested into insulating the loft area.
There is a lesson to be learnt from Countries who traditionally have much colder winters than we do here in the UK. Insulating your loft correctly can save you up to a massive £325 per year and it is so very easy to do. When was the last time you checked your loft insulation? Are you aware that if you are claiming certain benefits you could have the insulation installed free of charge by professionals?
There are so many different types of materials that can be used, it is vitally important that the correct one is selected to suit your home thus maximising savings. So if you decide to insulate your loft always seek advice from a professional as it could save you a great deal of money over the long term.
A fully insulated house these days can command a much higher selling price so it makes sense to ensure your home is as energy efficient as possible.

Need some help?

It is easy to find out if you qualify for a grant or even free installation select your requirement and just click the “see if I qualify” or “apply now”. This action could save you a great deal of money over the long term.