Which insulation is for you?

Christmas is over and the weather is getting colder, this is the time of year everybody wants to save money. One easy way is to ensure your home is correctly insulated, people waste hundreds of pounds a year by have inefficiently insulated lofts. A very small investment now could well save a great deal of money in the future. In some cases if you are receiving certain benefits this can all be done free of charge, just check to see if you qualify.

Below are some of the most popular insulating materials to help you select the one that is most suitable for you.

Blanket Insulation

The most common type of insulation which is used in the home is blanket insulation which usually comes in rolls with a foil backing. The material normally used is glass wool which is made from recycled bottles which gives the material a good environmental rating. Glass wool insulation is one of the easiest materials to install and is the most cost effective.

Rock mineral wool insulation

A more solid material than glass wool so is suitable for situations where the material may be compressed. Mineral wool can be obtained in rolls and comes in varying thicknesses and widths. Rock mineral wool is a very effective fire safety measure as it is resilient to heat and fire.

Sheet loft insulation

Comes in sheets and is usually used to insulate the sloping side of the roof inside a loft. This type of insulation can be more expensive and is energy intensive to manufacture but has a high insulation value.

Sprayed foam

Is also a common insulation and works in a similar way with liquid foam being poured or injected into place into wall cavities making it very versatile. Sprayed in foam is installed using a foaming agent and will expand and become solid as the mixture cures. Slow curing foams are available which will flow around any obstructions inside the wall cavity before hardening.

Need some help?

It is very easy to find out if you qualify for a grant or even free installation, just select your requirement and click the “see if I qualify” or “apply now” buttons. A little time spend now could save you a great deal in the future.