Energy grants can reduce your energy bills
The average household across the UK could be losing hundreds of pounds each year due to poor energy efficiency. Is your home one of these? With the price of gas, electricity and oil so high and the strong possibility of large rises on the horizon can you afford to ignore poor insulation in your home? […]
Lower heating costs instantly with an energy efficient boiler
The efficiency of a boiler is normally expressed as a percentage. Since October 2010 only boilers that are 88% or more efficient can be installed in homes, and most of the boilers you can buy now are between 88% and 89.7% efficient. It’s worth noting that you wouldn’t expect to see a difference in your […]
Time to check your homes efficiency
Lovely and warm right now but this will change as we all know, with the good weather we have had its now time to survey your property getting it ready for the winter to come. One thing we can all count on is our energy bills rising at some stage in the next 12 months […]
Worth looking closer?
Energy saving is one of the main grant giving areas due to the environment and the importance the Government places on it. If you think about this it does make sense to save on fuel usage as much as possible, thus saving on the huge amounts it would cost to build new energy sources. […]
Save on energy bills
This winter is likely to see large rises in our energy bills so now is definitely the time to act and save money. Are you aware some measures can be installed free? Just check on this site to see if you qualify for any assistance. There are many ways to reduce your energy consumption and […]
Help save the planet and a great deal of money
Many people still believe that their energy saving actions do not make a difference, but the statistics are showing that we decreased our UK net CO2 emissions considerably last year. There are now so many ways to save money, energy and the planet without having to invest too much time, money or effort. Let’s focus […]
Is your boiler ready?
Summer is with us but as we all know winter is looming, now is the time to get your boiler serviced and checked ready for the oncoming cold weather. I know we all want to forget about this, but facts are heating bills are going to rise again and its essential to have an efficient […]
On the up again
Energy companies have announced more price rises in a move that will see households hit by a 6% hike in the near future. The energy companies said plans to increase standard variable tariff prices on 31 August, following “significant increases in the cost of wholesale energy since the start of the year”. As an example […]
Energy saving at home is becoming even more important
House buyers are being urged to carefully check the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) on their new property as the UK’s climate becomes more unpredictable. According to various lenders there are already a number of mortgages available for properties which have high EPC ratings, highlighting the growing importance of this ratings scheme. But with this year’s […]
Will you be spending more than you need?
Many people still believe that their energy saving actions do not make a difference, but the statistics are showing that the UK has decreased net CO2 emissions considerably over the last 4 years. Most households spend an average of £1750 on heating bills each year which can be up to 50% more than necessary due […]