Whichever life stage you’re at and whatever piques your initial interest, comfort and long-term savings are things that make a serious difference throughout your stay in a property.

For those making aesthetics high priority, the interior may look stunning, but if the rooms are full of draughts, it’s going to be difficult to fully appreciate that.

Perhaps there’s big spaces and plenty of storage for a growing family – but if those spaces are going to prove difficult to effectively heat without breaking the bank, that’s room that comes with a serious cost.

If you’re choosing a home for retirement, there are different considerations. You may want to downsize, you may want to move to the country or even by closer to the high street. But there may be money issues to consider: Your income is more than likely to dropped in retirement, or you may want to use as much of what’s coming in as possible for hobbies. This makes it all the more important to make sure your home doesn’t guzzle your money, while leaving you shivering in three jumpers in the winter time.

There are so many good reasons to make your new or existing property as energy efficient as possible. It really does not have to cost huge amounts of money as there are very cheap and effective ways of keeping warmer on those winter days. Did you know some measures could be installed free if you receive certain benefits?

If you need any more persuasion to take energy seriously when picking your home, there’s a possibility in the near future that mortgage providers could be open to lending people more to buy energy efficient properties.

Lenders research, alongside a number of partners including Nationwide, conclusively proved the link between better energy performance and higher disposable income – income that raises the opportunity for a larger loan. The findings are being taken seriously by the mortgage industry, so it’s definitely something to watch out for in the near future.

Can we help?


If you would like advice on how to improve your homes energy efficiency do make contact and one of our advisers will be pleased to assist.