The average household across the UK could be losing hundreds of pounds each year due to poor energy efficiency.  Is your home one of these? With the price of gas, electricity and oil so high and the strong possibility of large rises on the horizon can you afford to ignore poor insulation in your home? Summer time is nearly over, and the cold months are fast approaching.

If you want to save energy in your home there are a range of energy grants and offers to help you achieve better efficiency.  These grants and offers will help you cover the initial outlay involved to install many different types of energy efficient features. 

Get prepared for the cold months ahead

Professionally fitted loft insulation will keep you and your family warmer, plus it will also save you on average £370 per year on your central heating bill. The really good thing is you may be able to have it installed free of charge if you are claiming certain benefits.

There are many types of insulation available and it is very important to select the correct product to suit your home. Choosing the incorrect product could end up costing you money so we always recommend seeking professional advice.

How insulation works?

Loft insulation works by creating a barrier to the hot air which is rising from the lower levels of your home. We all know that hot air rises and therefore will easily escape through your loft and roof if it is not properly insulated. The air pockets in the insulation trap the heat and stop it escaping into the atmosphere thus keeping the house much warmer.

It is recommended to fit at least 270mm thick insulation into the loft area but as we said before the professional will advise you as to the best choice for you.


       Smaller heating bills

       House warmer in winter and cooler in the summer

       Less carbon thus saving the environment

       Less problems with condensation

       Reduced noise levels

       Increase the value of your house

Need some help?

It’s easy to find out if you qualify just select the upgrade you require and then click the “see if I qualify” or “apply now”.  This action really could save you a great deal of money over the long term.