Shock news that British Gas will hike electricity charges next month is part of a wider assault on the nation’s hard-pressed wallets. Britons are under sustained attack from the taxman, banks, insurers and holiday companies as rip-off Britain returns with a vengeance.

But the good news is that with a little planning you could save yourself hundreds or even thousands a year.

Now is the time to do a complete check on your homes energy efficiency, failure to do this could result in you paying out far more than you need to. Just ask yourself, when was the last time you checked your loft’s insulation?

Did you know that both your energy supplier and the Government will give you financial assistance to make your home more energy efficient? Well they will if you meet certain criteria that you can check out on this site.

There has never been a better time to see what you are entitled to. The 12.5% British Gas charge hike is almost five times consumer price inflation at 2.6% and will cost millions of customers £76 a year each on average.

Time to check

1) Insulation in the home.

2) Your central heating boilers efficiency.

3) Windows and doors.

4) Your energy supplier’s charges

5) Hot water tanks efficiency

Always remember if your home is energy efficient it will be worth considerably more should you wish to sell it.

Can we help?

Check on this site to see what you may be entitled to, or contact us and one of our advisers will be happy to assist.