How is your boiler doing?
The long hard winter is drawing to a close and your central heating system did the job of keeping you all warm. With the warmer days coming now could be a very good time to have your boiler serviced and checked ready for later in the year. Heating engineers are far less busy now than they were in the winter months.
Should your boiler not be “up to the job” and needs replacing this can be a very expensive project to undertake. It could be you are entitled to a subsidy or even a free boiler if you meet a certain criteria so it’s most certainly worth checking.
Free, and heavily subsidised replacement boilers are available via ECO, a Government project which has been set up to assist low income families. The project aims to assist families improve the energy efficiency within their homes and therefore reducing the carbon footprint.
If you meet the criteria set out by the Government and your boiler is older than 5 years it is likely you may qualify for a new one free. Boiler grants are non-repayable; this means no monies claimed need to be repaid at any time in the future.
There are no complicated terms and conditions and if you qualify the new boiler will be installed along with heating controls. The amount of funding you receive will be determined by the current efficiency of your home, an energy assessment will be carried out free of charge.
Need some help?
It’s easy to find out if you qualify just select the upgrade you are looking at and then click the “see if I qualify” or “apply now”. This action could save you and your family a great deal of money over the long term.