The value of property in the UK is still increasing daily, albeit at a slower pace than the last 5 years. One of the ways to maximise this increase is to ensure your property energy efficient. Estate agents in major cities are always happy to sell a house which is energy efficient and they will tell you it’s value is far more than one that isn’t. One online estate agent said, “prospective buyers are more than ever checking if the property is properly insulated and what other energy saving devices it has”. “The demand for energy efficient properties is increasing as people see saving money as a long-term priority”.

Are you aware many energy companies offer huge subsidies or grants to make our homes more energy efficient? In some cases, the energy saving measure may even be free so it is worth checking if you qualify.

Heating the home

Central heating boilers are one of the largest contributors to your ever-increasing energy bills, it is vital to have an efficient boiler to help control these costs. When selling your home this is an area prospective buyers are very keen to investigate. It is a proven fact a new energy efficient boiler can save you between £250 and £400 per year. If you have an old boiler check to see if you could be entitled to any cash help.

Ways to increase your home’s value

1 Insulate to reduce heat loss

2 Install an energy efficient boiler

3 Insulate your pipes

4 Check your hot water tank is working efficiently

5 Check energy efficiency of any new appliances you buy

6 Check all windows and doors for drafts

Need some help?

It is easy to find out if you qualify for a grant or even free installation select your requirement and just click the “see if I qualify” or “apply now”. This action could save you a great deal of money over the long term.