We all enjoy getting value for money and home owners are most certainly no different. With all the talk of Brexit and the ongoing negotiations now would be a very good time to save on expenses as big fuel increases are expected.

It is a fact nowadays your home will be worth a great deal more if it is energy efficient with a low carbon footprint. Just speak to any estate agent and they will tell you it is far easier to achieve a good sale price if the property is energy efficient. There is no doubt whatsoever energy efficiency plays a very big part when selling houses.

Is your home energy efficient?

If you think about it you get double the value for the money invested, firstly you save annually on energy bills and secondly you improve the value of your house. As you can see this is a win-win situation and one that should not be ignored as we all strive to save money.

It is so easy to save money and improve your home and in some cases this can be done free of charge if you are claiming certain benefits. Just spend a little time checking if you qualify for any grants or benefits as this could save a great deal in the long term.

Improved efficiency

Here are just a few ways to save money and improve the value of your home.

1) Insulate your home as much as possible.

2) Ensure your hot water tank is working efficiently.

3) Check all windows and doors for drafts.

Need some assistance?

It is very easy to find out if you qualify for a grant or indeed free installation, just select your requirement and click the “see if I qualify or “apply now”. Acting now could save you and your family a great deal of money and improve the value of your property.