Most households around the country are completely unaware a grant or assistance may be available to make their home more energy efficient. A recent survey clearly shows homeowners do not take advantage of the local energy suppliers offers. With big changes on the way due to the Brexit talks you would be wise to act now as the future is unclear.

When questioned if you could save as much as £750 per year would you do more research, a clear answer came back, yes!

Energy saving is one of the main grant giving areas due to the environment and the importance the Government and suppliers places on it. If you think about this it does make sense to save on fuel usage as much as possible, thus saving on the huge amounts it would cost to build new energy sources.

Benefits of taking action

1} Reduced noise levels

2} Reduced carbon footprint

3} Increased property value

4} Reduced heating bills

Find out more?

It is so easy to find out if you qualify for a grant or even free assistance with making your home more energy efficient. Select your requirement and just click the “see if I qualify” or “apply now” button. A little time spent now could save you a lot of money now and in the future.