
Landlords will be forced to upgrade the energy efficiency of their rental properties under new Government regulations. The new rules, which were published recently apply from next year. They place additional requirements on landlords to make sure their properties are up to scratch in terms of fuel efficiency. Any properties rated as an F or […]

Over 2 million households will be struggling to pay their fuel bills in the UK this coming winter. Some 12.4% of households faced heating bills that pushed them below the poverty line last winter which is a rise from 2015. Levels of fuel poverty, measured by people facing high bills and on low incomes, […]

Winter is coming, and that means you need to get your home in tip top condition to cope with the weather to come – particularly as much of the UK is on course for a predicted very cold and wet winter. Are you prepared? Must do’s It’s always a clever idea to give your home […]

More than one home every minute will need to be refurbished in the UK between now and 2050, experts say. UK homeowners still do not understand the money that is being wasted through poor insulation. The authors of a report to Parliament say 25 million existing homes will not meet the insulation standards required by […]

There’s no getting around it, we live in a cold climate and keeping your home warm costs a great deal of money. The department of energy predicts that prices for natural gas and electricity will again rise later this year. We can all turn the dial on the thermostat down or wear thicker clothing indoors […]

Autumn is beginning to make itself known, and so the challenge to not put the heating on for as long as possible has begun. However, it’s also the time of year when a large number of energy tariffs are due to end, which could mean many people are automatically switched onto more expensive options, just […]

Reducing carbon means cutting down on your use of basic resources such as gas, electricity and water. Doing this will save you money, and you’ll be making your home more efficient and healthy place to live in. Sound interesting? 1) The most cost-effective method is to prevent your home from performing like a leaky sieve […]

Research has revealed that the majority of property buyers in 2017 are willing to pay more for a low carbon footprint home. According to the findings 70% of prospective buyers this year want to purchase the most environmentally friendly house they can. The hardest hitting statistic is that 80% said they were willing to pay […]

Our fuel bills seem to be rising month on month with the promise of more to come this winter. Is this you? Households spend an average of £1800 on heating bills each year which can be up to 45% more than necessary due to the lack of energy saving measures being implemented in the home. […]

The value of property in the UK is increasing every day and one of the ways to maximise this increase is to ensure your property is energy efficient. It’s a fact that an energy efficient house is worth thousands more than a home with little or no efficiency. Times are very hard for families on […]

Energy companies up and down the country are reporting increased levels of claims as homeowners get the message. With gas and electricity prices rising at alarming rates it’s little wonder the home owning public are keen to act. Reducing our carbon footprint The Government and energy providers have obligations to reduce our carbon footprint nationwide; […]

Shock news that British Gas will hike electricity charges next month is part of a wider assault on the nation’s hard-pressed wallets. Britons are under sustained attack from the taxman, banks, insurers and holiday companies as rip-off Britain returns with a vengeance. But the good news is that with a little planning you could save […]