
Want to make your UK home more energy efficient? There are plenty of grants available to help with the cost. Reports are suggesting that more homeowners are taking advantage of the really good benefits that are available. With so many benefits on offer and some being free you should take time out to see what […]

With the cold winter months drawing to a close now is the perfect time to upgrade your homes insulation. There are still many very advantageous deals to be had but fears are this could change in the near future as the Brexit talks rumble on. Are you one of the thousands of people in the […]

Grants are still available to make your home more energy efficient and at the same time save hundreds a year on energy bills. Energy bills are set to rise in the coming months as the pound remains unstable. Many energy saving measures are available to the majority of households around the country, making use of […]

It’s nothing new to hear that fuel costs are expensive. If you’re trying to run a home and keep your family warm and dry on a limited budget, then it can be hard to keep things under control. This is especially true when the UK endures a snap of chilly weather, pushing up the cost […]

We all enjoy getting value for money and home owners are most certainly no different. With all the talk of Brexit and the ongoing negotiations now would be a very good time to save on expenses as big fuel increases are expected. It is a fact nowadays your home will be worth a great deal […]

The latest research has revealed the majority of property buyers are willing to pay a lot more for an eco-friendly home. According to the findings 78% of prospective buyers want to purchase the most environmentally friendly house they can. Perhaps the most surprising statistic is that 80% said this is now a very high priority […]

Most households around the country are completely unaware a grant or assistance may be available to make their home more energy efficient. A recent survey clearly shows homeowners do not take advantage of the local energy suppliers offers. With big changes on the way due to the Brexit talks you would be wise to act […]

Is your boiler performing to maximum efficiently? Very few people know that free or heavily subsidised boilers are available to install if you meet certain criteria. This scheme was set up to help those on lower incomes who have old inefficient boilers replace them free of charge. This offer is unlikely to remain in place […]

A survey of energy providers taken recently is showing some very encouraging figures. More of the public are enquiring into what benefits they are entitled to to increase their properties energy efficiency. Installations have increased by a massive 24.5% in the last 18 months which goes to show the public are getting the message. Energy […]

The average household across the UK could be losing a great deal of money each year due to poor energy efficiency within the home. With the price of Gas and Electricity so high and the strong possibility of large rises on the horizon can you afford to ignore poor insulation in your home? All the […]

We are all looking for ways to economise as much as we can to reduce monthly expenditure. Unfortunately, one of the biggest ways of saving money seems to be ignored by the majority of households. Energy suppliers offer subsidies to make our homes more energy efficient that we don’t always take advantage of. In some […]

Energy bills set to rocket: Research shows that, on average, we are spending an extra 80p a day on heating our homes to beat the freezing temperatures, and that kind of spending can quickly ramp up. Indeed, with much of the country having experienced sub-zero temperatures for 16 days of the year so far, an […]