
Are you loosing out? House prices in the UK continue to rise year on year even after the Brexit shock, what is certain eco-friendly houses command far higher prices than homes that are not. A recent survey revealed that the majority of property buyers are willing to pay more for an eco-friendly home. These findings […]

Need to act and save? Your fuel bills are no doubt the topic of conversation in the household right now so it could be time to check your boilers condition as time is running out. These are few things you should be aware of, check out if you qualify for a new one and if […]

Great savings on failing boilers Condensing boilers are really efficient, making the fuel you’re burning to heat your home go further. Replacing an old G-rated boiler with a new high-efficiency condensing boiler and improving your heating controls could save you as much as £400 a year, according to the Energy Saving Trust. Is your current […]

Changes to Grants coming soon! It is the expectation of the energy efficiency industry that Ofgem will announce sweeping changes to the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) grant funds that are available at the start of 2017. These changes look likely to restrict the amount of funding, especially to householders who are not in receipt of […]

Surge of interest Energy providers are reporting very encouraging figures on the amount of customers taking up free energy saving offers. Installations have increased by a massive 24.6% in the last year which goes to show the public are getting the message. Energy companies are keen to assist their customers reduce the amount of energy […]

Greener landlords Research has revealed that a great many landlords are looking to increase their property holding values by making them more eco-friendly. According to the findings 35% of the landlords surveyed said this was becoming a priority due to the Governments tax hikes. Landlords should start taking energy saving as a very important part […]

Boiler replacement surge Figures just released show more people than ever before are taking advantage of the free replacement boiler scheme. The report shows applications for replacement boilers are 43% higher than this time last year. The public at last are beginning to take advantage of the energy grant schemes as they strive to improve […]

Insulation and boilers: The big energy companies are giving lots of freebies to those receiving certain benefits, from new boilers to insulation. This is all due to the Governments energy efficiency obligations to certain groups of people, every single year thousands of benefits go unclaimed. The cost of a new boiler varies, but a typical […]

Are you ready for the cold weather? As temperatures begin to drop the energy bills will start to rise alarmingly, heating costs now start to burn a hole in the annual budget. A recent survey taken from the majority of Western Europe shows the British spend the least amount per year on energy saving in […]

Our carbon footprint The Government have obligations to reduce our carbon footprint nationwide; this is an ongoing situation which is constantly under review and will be for many years to come. In our homes we can do a great deal to assist and in doing so save ourselves huge amounts of hard earned money each […]

Energy grants can help you The average household across the UK could be losing hundreds of pounds each year due to poor energy efficiency. With the price of Gas and Electricity so high and the strong possibility of heavy rises on the horizon can you afford to ignore poor insulation in your home? If you […]

Winters coming At this time of the year we are all thinking about the winter coming, so now is the time to check your heating and get your boiler serviced to ensure all is working efficiently. A little money spent now could save a fortune in the long term. When the first really cold spell […]