
Householders installing measures under the Government’s flagship home energy efficiency scheme could get up to £7,600 cash back. The new “Green Deal home improvement fund” will provide money back to homeowners on the contributions they make to installing measures such as solid wall insulation and new heating systems. [More…]

Financial incentives for homeowners off the gas grid to switch to technologies such as biomass boilers. Homeowners relying on expensive, dirty oil for heating will be offered payments of thousands of pounds from Wednesday to switch to renewable energy alternatives in a government drive to cut carbon emissions from heat. [More…]

Landlords will have to start improving their properties or risk not being able to let them. Plans to introduce new minimum energy efficiency standards for private landlords were announced in 2011 under the Green Deal. The plans include a proposal that, from April 2016, landlords will not be able to refuse reasonable requests from tenants […]

The domestic renewable heat incentive (RHI) was launched this week nationwide, covering heat generated through biomass, heat pumps and thermal panels. Tariffs of between 7.3p and 19.2p per killowatt-hour will be paid by the government to those registered to the scheme, and Ms Munt has backed the idea for those locally. She said: “Many people […]

On April 9 the Government announced the full details of who will be eligible for support under the domestic Renewable Heat Incentive. Owner occupiers as well as second homes, private landlords and legacy applications are eligible for the domestic RHI, where renewable heating technologies have been installed since July 15, 2009. Eligible technologies include biomass, […]

GREEN energy specialist SERS Energy Solutions says it fears home owners believe many insulation funding schemes have dried up. It is launching an awareness campaign in Staffordshire after moving to a central site in Stoke. The company says a combination of low-cost finance deals and cashback means that home owners can still insulate their houses […]

Sustainable energy experts RegenSW have said a ‘record’ number of visitors attended the organisation’s Renewable Energy Marketplace, held at Exeter’s Westpoint Arena. The Government launched its domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme this week, which will reward householders who replace fossil fuel boilers with renewable heating solutions such as biomass systems, air source heat pumps, ground […]

UK homes can now earn up to £3,690 per year for heating their homes with renewable technologies and save themselves up to £2,000 per year on their energy bills Launched yesterday, the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is the world’s first long-term financial support programme for renewable heat. It follows months of speculation in the industry. […]

DECC (The Department of Energy and Climate Change) has revealed that since their respective launches, the Green Deal and the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) has installed energy-saving measures to over 517,000 UK households. [More…]

Increased energy efficiency is the only way to protect homes from unexpected price hikes, like last week’s gas price surge [More…]

Energy prices have shot up by 55 per cent in 10 years. According to the Office of National Statistics, UK households spent an average of £106 a month on electricity, gas and other household fuels in 2012. That’s more than half again on the £69 a month spent in 2002, after adjusting for inflation. [More…]

Residents have been offered a deal to make their homes more eco-friendly. Eastleigh Borough Council wants people to take on the Solent Green Deal’s assessment to better insulate their homes and help them stay warm while saving money. [More…]