
The larger energy providers are reporting very encouraging figures on the number of customers taking up free energy saving offers. Installations have increased by a massive 31% in the last twelve months which goes to show the public are getting the message loud and clear. Energy companies are keen to assist their customers reduce the […]

Take advantage now Most major energy supplier’s offer grants to help you implement energy saving measures within your home. The savings a household can make are stunning if they are properly insulated and have a boiler which runs efficiently. On average the savings can amount to over £950 per year, so ask yourselves can you […]

This has hit everybody hard and saving money in the future is even more vital than before. Time to act? If the answer is yes then get started making your home more energy efficient sooner rather than later. Would you say no to an extra £1100 per year? The majority of households around the country […]

Climate change is one of the most hotly spoken about topics in recent years, and for good reason. However, the housing market in particular has come under fire, considering that homes are responsible for one-quarter of UK carbon emissions. We all must do our bit and make changes before it’s too late. Last year, the […]

With the value of property in some areas declining there are still ways to reverse this trend. If you implement one or two of the suggestions listed your property is still likely to increase in value. Become energy efficient Fitting your home with energy efficient appliances can add value to your home by promising to […]

Whichever life stage you’re at and whatever piques your initial interest, comfort and long-term savings are things that make a serious difference throughout your stay in a property. For those making aesthetics high priority, the interior may look stunning, but if the rooms are full of draughts, it’s going to be difficult to fully appreciate […]

Most important, make absolutely sure you’re on the best energy tariff for your current needs, control is key if you’re to maximise your savings. This can mean a few things where home energy is concerned, but a good place to start is getting to grips with your heating system by installing room thermostats, a programmer […]

Heating bills have risen this year, with the average cost of a Standard Variable Tariff (SVT) up from £1,070 to £1,145. More than a quarter of working families (28%) said they are still languishing on these expensive SVTs. Those who are struggling with their energy bills should first ensure they’re not paying too much for […]

Looking to sell your property this year? House prices in the UK continue to rise year on year but now at a much slower pace, what is certain eco-friendly homes fetch a far higher price than homes that are not. Research has revealed that the clear majority of property buyers are willing to pay more […]

The UK’s greenhouse gas emissions fell 3.6% last year as renewables climbed to new record highs, official figures show. Provisional figures for 2019 reveal emissions of the pollutants that drive climate change were 3.6% lower than in 2018 and are down 45.2% on what they were in 1990. A key factor in falling greenhouse gas emissions is the […]

It’s no secret that our heating bills are increasing and if all the experts are correct next winter prices will increase significantly. So is it time for you to act? Professionally fitted loft insulation will keep you and your family warmer plus it will also save you on average £400 per year on your central […]

Keep your energy bills lower in trouble times Most important for the year ahead as we all will need to save money Make absolutely sure you’re on the best energy tariff for your current needs, control is key if you’re to maximise your savings. This can mean a few things where home energy is concerned, […]