
Reducing carbon means cutting down on your use of basic resources such as gas, electricity and water. Doing this will save you money, and you’ll be making your home more efficient and healthier place to live in. Interested? The most cost-effective method is to prevent your home from performing like a leaky sieve so make […]

You may be thinking of selling and moving or just want to increase the value of your property. With the value of property in some areas declining there are still ways to reverse this trend. If you implement one or two of the suggestions listed your property is still likely to increase in value. Be […]

Research has revealed that the majority of property buyers in 2020 are willing to pay more for a low carbon footprint homes, effectively making them much warmer in the winter months. According to the findings 73% of prospective buyers last year wanted to purchase the most environmentally friendly house they can. The hardest hitting statistic […]

Over 2 million households will be struggling to pay their fuel and heating bills in 2020. Some 13.2% of households faced heating bills that pushed them below the poverty line last winter which is a rise from 2018. Levels of fuel poverty, measured by people facing high bills and on low incomes, were highest in […]

The average household across the UK could be losing hundreds of pounds each year due to poor energy efficiency. With the price of Gas and Electricity so high and the strong possibility of large rises on the horizon can you afford to ignore poor insulation in your home? If you want to save energy in […]

Central heating boilers   If your boiler is aging and needs replacing you could have a new one installed free of charge if you are on certain benefits.     A modern condensing boiler is the most efficient boiler on the market. If everyone in the UK with gas or oil central heating installed a […]

Energy prices continue to rise year on year and over the last 6 years they have increased by a staggering 48% in real terms. Many households now spend between £100-£150 per month just on electricity which is causing the average family great financial concern. There are ways you can reduce this, and some are very […]

Most households spend an average £1600 on heating bills each year which can be up to 45% more than necessary due to the lack of energy saving measures being implemented in the home.  Many people still believe that their actions do not make a difference, but the statistics are showing that the UK has decreased […]

If you plan to use the loft or attic for storage, you will want to lay boards over the joists. Unfortunately, if you only insulate between the joists before doing this, the insulation won’t be thick enough.  To get enough insulation, you can raise the level of the floor so you can fit enough mineral wool […]

Central heating boiler grants could be about to change in a big way, so if your boiler is old and in efficient now is the time to act. Most old gas and oil burning boilers are regular types which use a separate hot water cylinder to store hot water, rather than providing it directly from […]

Vital planning before you start It’s important to make sure that a new low-carbon heating system is right for your home. The first thing to remember is that every heat-generating system gives you more “value for money” if your home is well insulated before it is installed. Your home will need a certain amount of insulation before […]

A number of measures can be implemented free of charge if you qualify for certain benefits, so take a bit of time and check out just what you are entitled to. The majority of energy companies up and down the country have many free or heavily subsidised energy saving deals available to you. Cost effective […]