
The UK’s reliance on electricity imports has climbed to a record high amid fears that homes and businesses could face higher energy bills if the UK crashes out of Europe. The latest government figures, released just weeks before Britain’s exit from the EU, show that the UK’s net electricity imports reached their highest ever level […]

Are they a reliable source of cheaper heating? This method of heating uses pipes buried in your garden to heat radiators in the house. A ground source heat pump circulates a mixture of water and antifreeze around a loop of pipe, called a ground loop, which is buried in your garden. Heat from the ground […]

Taking just a few simple measures, such as turning your heating down, or switching to a lower washing machine setting, can have a significant effect on annual bills and the sooner you start making changes, the greater the savings will be.   Here are our 4 top ways for you to bring down your bills […]

The majority of households around the country are completely unaware a grant or assistance may be available to make their home more energy efficient, and in turn reduce their carbon footprint. With big changes on the way due to the Governments environmental commitments you would be wise to act now as the future is very […]

According to data, some dual fuel tariffs are scheduled to end in September of this year. Unfortunately, this could mean average price rises of up to 38% for customers being switched onto standard tariffs. If you are one of these it would be very wise to check what is on offer to save you a […]

Many people still believe that energy-saving actions do not make a difference, but the statistics are showing that the UK has decreased net CO2 emissions considerably over the last 7 years. There are now so many ways to save money, energy and the planet without having to invest too much time or effort. A large […]

The government has opened a £5m fund to help the financial sector develop green home finance products like green mortgages, rewarding customers for energy efficiency.   Green mortgages give customers discounted mortgage rates once they have upgraded the energy rating of their home.   Chris Skidmore, energy and clean growth minister, said: “To fulfil our […]

Summer is over and no doubt your heating has been switched on. Now we will all see our energy bills rise and if the experts are correct this could be a record year for increases. So, time to act? There are plenty of actions you can take to ensure your home is more energy efficient, […]

If you need any more persuasion to take energy seriously when selecting your home, there’s a possibility in the near future that mortgage providers could be open to lending people more to buy energy efficient properties. Lenders research, alongside a number of partners including Nationwide and the Halifax, conclusively proved the link between better energy […]

We all know winter is fast approaching and our energy bills will once again be increasing at alarming rates. This situation is not helped with the Brexit talks stalling and energy companies being uncertain of the consequences of any deal secured. So, the smart homeowner will without doubt be looking at ways of saving money […]

Getting colder In Britain, people typically switch their central heating on in October and use it daily until March or April. This coincides with the clocks going back, the drop in temperature and Winter Fuel Payments – to anyone who receives the state pension. Heating homes accounts for over 70% of household energy consumption. So reducing this figure – while keeping […]

There are many grants amounting to millions of pounds that go unclaimed every year due to homeowners not knowing how to claim. Many of the unclaimed benefits are for the elderly, disabled or those on lower incomes receiving certain benefits. Energy saving is one of the main grants giving areas due to the environment and […]