
Whichever life stage you’re at and whatever piques your initial interest, comfort and long-term savings are things that make a serious difference throughout your stay in a property. For those making aesthetics high priority, the interior may look stunning, but if the rooms are full of draughts, it’s going to be difficult to fully appreciate […]

Homeowners are missing out on lower energy costs, higher property values, and much more due to lack of access to affordable finance to invest in energy efficiency improvements.   This is according to a report for the Energy Efficient Mortgages Pilot Scheme.   The aim of the Energy Efficient Mortgage is to create a loan […]

It’s no secret that our heating bills are increasing and if all the experts are correct this winter prices will increase significantly. So is it time for you to act? Professionally fitted loft insulation will keep you and your family warmer plus it will also save you on average £380 per year on your central […]

If your boiler breaks down, we all know the costs involved of repairing or even replacing it in some cases can be very expensive. Did you know you may be able to reduce these costs by claiming a grant from the Government or even a replacement free of charge? Boiler grants, eco-schemes, rental schemes and […]

Once you’re on the best energy tariff for your current needs, control is key if you’re to maximise your savings.   This can mean a few things where home energy is concerned, but a good place to start is getting to grips with your heating system by installing room thermostats, a programmer and thermostatic radiator […]

So, the good news is the summer is with us and the heating bills have reduced, thank goodness I hear you all say. We all know winter will be with us again and our energy bills will once again be increasing so it’s time to look at ways of saving money and cavity wall insulation […]

If you’ve decided to give your home a spring clean, then it might be time to consider making some changes to increase energy efficiency while you’re at it. Just because it’s getting a little bit warmer now, doesn’t mean it’s not the time to be preparing yourself for the next incarnation of the ‘Beast from […]

It looks like the cold weather is over for the time being, this is the time of year everybody seems to forget just how cold it was earlier in the year. The facts are now is the time to start getting prepared for the next cold period as many stores and companies offer large discounts […]

The government and energy providers have obligations to reduce our carbon footprint nationwide. We at home can do a great deal to assist and in doing so save ourselves substantial amounts of hard earned cash each year. So, it really makes a great deal of sense to review just what we could do to help […]

If your boiler breaks down, we all know the costs involved of repairing or even replacing it in some cases can be very expensive. Did you know you may be able to reduce these costs by claiming a grant from the Government or even a replacement free of charge? Boiler grants, eco-schemes, rental schemes and […]

It seems that all the campaigning by the Government and energy companies alike is now beginning to have the desired effect. Consumers are looking to improve their homes by saving energy and in turn reducing their carbon footprint. Homeowners who have taken the initiative have seen financial benefits as well, on average a well-insulated home […]

February 2018 saw a record-breaking 660,000 customers switch to a different electricity supplier, which translates as nearly 24,000 people switching per day, according to Energy UK. It’s hardly surprising that so many sought to reduce their electricity bills last month, considering the harsh weather conditions that affected households across the country. Data further show that […]