Things to consider that will save you money.

In the last three years, 18% of homeowners have extended their property.

It can be an attractive idea, it adds space and value, plus often improving the look of a place. But more space means more space to heat, and that can come with added costs.

Building Regulations stipulate that you have to take on certain energy efficiency measures when extending, like insulating cavities and floors (plus lofts if there is one), making provisions for low-energy lighting wherever possible, and installing thermostatic valves on any new radiators. But beyond mere compliance, real advantage can be gained from seeing an extension as an opportunity in the life of your home to take affirmative action on reducing energy costs and improving comfort.

This applies to both the extension itself and beyond. Think about investing in the most energy efficient options your budget can stretch to. First and foremost, building materials.

While the builders are in, it might well be an idea to consider installing wall insulation on the whole home. This saves on cost and hassle, while making all rooms warmer and potentially bringing fuel bill savings of £250 to £350 or more a year, depending on your home and heating system. These are not the only advantages of an all-over approach to wall insulation. External wall insulation gives the extension and the rest of the home the same look, and a good render can make your home weather-proof for years.

Heating costs as we all know are rising rapidly, before you make any changes to your home check out if you are entitled to any financial assistance either from the energy companies or the Government. It’s easy to do and can save you a lot of hard earned cash, check out on this site or call for help.