Heating bills rising

Energy prices continue to rise year on year and over the last 8 years they have increased by a staggering 50% in real terms.

Many households now spend over £100 per month just on electricity which is causing the average family great financial concern. As we all know the majority of the money we spend goes on heating the house during the winter months.

There are many ways you can reduce the amount you spend each month and some are very simple indeed. Also which is very interesting is the fact you could qualify for some of these energy saving ideas to be installed free of charge if you claim certain benefits. So if you are looking for ways to economise it could well be very worthwhile checking out just what you are entitled to.

Some ways to save money:

        Fit energy efficient light bulbs

        Ensure your home is correctly insulated

        Raise the temperature in the home slowly

        Use the sun’s rays by not closing the curtains

        Ensure you have an energy efficient boiler

        Make sure the heating pump is working correctly

        Install fluorescent lighting were possible

        Check all refrigeration door seals

        Replace any fridge older than 15 years

        Choose energy efficient appliances

        Keep your freezer full

These are just a few ways you can save money around the house which are quick and easy. Now check out if you are entitled to any other financial benefits as many energy companies offer really good incentives.

Need some help?

It is so easy to find out if you qualify for a grant or even free installation, just select your requirement and click the “see if I qualify” or “apply now” buttons. A little time spent now could save you a great deal of money in the future.