This winter is likely to see large rises in our energy bills so now is definitely the time to act and save money. Are you aware some measures can be installed free? Just check on this site to see if you qualify for any assistance. There are many ways to reduce your energy consumption and below are some ideas for you to consider.

Simple quick measures

Use microwaves and induction hobs as they are the most energy efficient methods of cooking 
Use energy efficient light bulbs 
Switch off as many appliances and entertainment systems as possible when not in use 
Take a 5 minute shower instead of a bath 
Collect rainwater for use in the garden 
Install a toilet sava flush device 
Change all taps to water saving models 
Change Shower head or system to incorporate water saving 
Turn your heating thermostat down by 1 or more degrees to save 10% on your heating bills 
Turn your hot water temperature down; the standard heat setting is usually 60 degrees 

Medium Measures

Insulation is one of the most cost-effective ways of retaining heat within a home and is part of the Governments focus towards homeowners reducing fuel bills. Millions of homes in the UK still do not have adequate insulation. Go outside when the snow comes and look at your property. If the snow is settling on your neighbours’ roofs and not on yours, heat is escaping through your roof and you are paying the energy bill to melt that snow! 

Loft insulation is one of the easiest ways to help retain heat and is heavily subsidised by energy suppliers and even free for qualifying residents (low income and those over 70). The more loft insulation you install, the less heat that is lost. The optimum thickness has been shown to be 350mm, Building Regulations insist on a minimum of 270mm.


If you would like to know more about reducing your energy bills please make contact and an adviser will be happy to assist.