Solar discovery

Solar cells have long been a favourite of people trying to reduce or even eliminate energy bills. Many businesses across the country have incorporated the technology as well because it’s clean, renewable and helps reduce costs. Yet, throughout solar powers history the high set up costs have made it prohibitive to the majority. Researchers now hope this is all about to change as a major breakthrough has been made.

The new cells discovered consist of tiny silicon wires that measure a mere 1 micron in diameter. These wires are embedded into plastic plates where they convert light into electricity at an exceptional rate of efficiency. Any light left unused bounces around inside the wire matrix until it finds another wire that can absorb it. After all said and done nearly all the light is captured and converted very cost effectively to electricity.

The fantastic thing about this new technology is that only 2% of the new cell is composed of semiconductors, the most expensive component. The remaining 98% is made from inexpensive plastic and all this translates to a huge cost reduction for the consumer.

The team working on this new cell has yet to release side-by-side comparisons of the new versus the old. The technology is now refined and researches are likely to conduct the necessary experiments to gain this data and make it available to the public.

Solar technology has been gaining popularity for years, especially as advancements have made adopting the technology more and more affordable. Many people who have solar power are able to generate so much energy they sell the extra back to their local energy company.

Benefits of solar power

  1. Reduced electricity bills.
  2. Receive money for extra power generated.
  3. Cut carbon footprint.
  4. Self sufficiency.

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