More than one home every minute will need to be refurbished in the UK between now and 2050, experts say.

UK homeowners still do not understand the money that is being wasted through poor insulation.

The authors of a report to Parliament say 25 million existing homes will not meet the insulation standards required by mid-century

The UK needs to cut carbon emissions by 80% by then – and a third of those emissions come from heating draughty buildings.

The government said it would devise policies as soon as possible. But they have said this before and no action has been forthcoming. Property owners should take time to check the insulation they have and update where necessary, it won’t cost a lot and the savings to be had far outweigh any expenditure. In some cases this can be done free of charge if you are receiving certain benefits, just check out below to see if you qualify.

Critics say ministers have been far too slow to impose a national programme of home renovation which would save on bills and improve people’s health, comfort and happiness. It would also create thousands of jobs.

The UK has some of Europe’s cheapest energy prices but some of the highest bills because homes are poorly insulated.

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